2 Orders
  • Q Global AZA Mall Login Announcement for Global Member
    1. Global AZA Mall login unavailable : CN, IN, SG, KR
    2. Global AZA Mall login and purchase available, but PV accumulation unavailable : RU, VN, UK, KZ, KG, UZ, AU, NZ
    3. Global AZA Mall login and PV accumulation available : All corporations except for those listed in 1 and 2.

    Please note that this information is subject to change, and it is always recommended to refer to the latest announcements and updates for accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Q I can't remember the ID/Password. How can I find it?

    1. Select Shipping Location > Log-in > Find my ID/Password > Go to the member ID/PASS search page of each regional office.

    2. The ID/PASS search is different for each member affiliation.
    Atomy members operated by corporations - Find ID/password on each corporation website
    Global integrated member (Atomy member not established as a corporation - https://join.atomy.com/login/findAccount

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