7 Orders
  • Q I placed an order for several products at once, is it possible to partially cancel the order?
    We are sorry, but partial cancellation is not possible. Please order again after canceling all.
  • Q What are the payment methods?
    G.AZA Mall, only credit cards issued overseas - VISA/MASTER/JCB/UNIONPAY/AMEX payment are accepted.

    *Credit cards issued in Korea are not accepted​
  • Q I canceled my order and my credit card was charged.
    First of all, we apologize that you were charged even though your order was cancelled.

    In the case of credit card cancellation, depending on the card company, it may take 7 to 10 business days.

    Currently, our system confirms that the cancellation process has been completed, so please check whether the credit card has been canceled through the credit card company even if it is troublesome.

    Please note that if the card payment has already been withdrawn, it may be partially refunded or deducted from the next month's card payment according to the card company's policy.​
  • Q Is it possible to pay by credit card installment?
    G.AZA Mall only accepts one-time payment.
  • Q Is there a limit on the purchase amount per order?
    There is a purchase amount limit of KRW 200,000~400,000 won per order, but this amount is the product price excluding shipping costs.
    * The purchase amount varies by country, so please check the notice for details.

    Payment is possible if the total of the ordered product and shipping cost exceeds KRW400,000.​
  • Q Can I order multiple times a day according to the purchase limit?
    It is possible to place an order multiple times a day, but additional import customs fees may increase after arriving at the shipping destination. We recommend that you place your order at least 3 to 7 days in advance.
  • Q What to do in case of card payment error?
    In case of payment error, please check the action method through the link below.



    And for other errors, please contact 1:1 QnA board.

    If you take a screenshot and upload it along with the name of the browser you are using at the time of payment, you can check it more quickly.

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